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Clements Club Lambs

Kirklin, Indiana

Contact Info:
Mark, Pam, Blakely & Bethany Clements

About us:
Clements Club Lambs is located in north central Indiana, and has been raising & showing club lambs for over 20 years. Started as a 4-H project for our son Blakely, it has grown into a family adventure of the years. We currently raise black face, purebred suffolk ( small herd from B & B Show Stock) white face cross, and purebred dorset ewes, rams, and wethers.

We have shown and raised many county, state fair, and national winning lambs. Blakely & Bethany have had the opportunity to show and purchase our ewe base from some of the breeders. With their amazing ability to show and fit their lambs over the years it has grown to our 40+ ewe base.
Currently, Mark & Pam are raising all the club lambs with Bethany, Brent & Chloee's assistance. Blakely & Bryan help sell and fit the sheep, but currently live in Bedford, Indiana raising/showing National winning boer does/bucks.

We are starting back up our purebred dorset herd for our new grand daughter Chloee! She has already shown at NAILE and is doing an amazing job!
Come and visit our farm today! We sell private treaty off the farm. You can contact anyone of us at anytime!

Last Update:   February 3rd 2013.

Clements Club Lambs

Kirklin, Indiana

Kirklin, Indiana, 
Contact Info:
Mark, Pam, Blakely & Bethany Clements

Last Update:   February 3rd 2013.

About us:
Clements Club Lambs is located in north central Indiana, and has been raising & showing club lambs for over 20 years. Started as a 4-H project for our son Blakely, it has grown into a family adventure of the years. We currently raise black face, purebred suffolk ( small herd from B & B Show Stock) white face cross, and purebred dorset ewes, rams, and wethers.

We have shown and raised many county, state fair, and national winning lambs. Blakely & Bethany have had the opportunity to show and purchase our ewe base from some of the breeders. With their amazing ability to show and fit their lambs over the years it has grown to our 40+ ewe base.
Currently, Mark & Pam are raising all the club lambs with Bethany, Brent & Chloee's assistance. Blakely & Bryan help sell and fit the sheep, but currently live in Bedford, Indiana raising/showing National winning boer does/bucks.

We are starting back up our purebred dorset herd for our new grand daughter Chloee! She has already shown at NAILE and is doing an amazing job!
Come and visit our farm today! We sell private treaty off the farm. You can contact anyone of us at anytime!